We support the most
valuable initiatives for
economic freedom and create
a space for cooperation
between free
market advocates.

We support the most valuable initiatives for economic freedom and create a space for cooperation between free market advocates.


The Economic Freedom Foundation strives to make Poland a prosperous and open country where people enjoy a high level of economic freedom and other individual liberties.

Our mission is to invest in the most valuable initiatives for economic freedom and to create a space for cooperation and integration of free market advocates.

Supported projects

Library of Liberty

The Library of Liberty is a unique book collection containing the most important books on freedom, including economic freedom, and on liberal thought as a whole.

Civil Development

We support analytical and educational projects of the non-governmental think-tank, FOR Foundation.

Freedom Games

The Freedom Games is a forum bringing together people who share values such as liberal democracy, open society and the rule of law.


Inner Freedom in the Darkest Times: Viktor Frankl on the Meaning of Life

The experiences of camp life show that man does have a choice over his own actions — this is the main idea of the book by Viktor E. Frankl, a psychiatrist who survived five years in concentration camps. In Man’s Search for Meaning, Frankl explores what it truly means to take responsibility for one’s own life.

Breaking Down Poland’s “Year of Breakthrough”. Key Insights from Marek Tatała

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has declared 2025 the "Year of Breakthrough," emphasizing an investment-driven economic revival. But is this ambitious vision backed by substantive policy changes? Marek Tatała, CEO of the Economic Freedom Foundation, shared his insights on TVP World’s Bottom Line.

Arkadiusz Mus, Marek Tatala: European Union at a crossroads: deregulation or decline?

Not only is the European Union's poor economic performance devastating for its citizens and their well-being, but it also fuels anti-EU populists whose cures, which include dismantling the Union, are frequently worse than the illness. In order to survive, the European Union must also undergo significant economic transformation.

About us

We support