Wolne sądy
The Wolne Sądy [Free Courts] initiative was born out of the civic duty of a group of lawyers who understand the consequences of politicizing independent courts. Thanks to their experience, people involved in “Wolne Sądy” provide information on the state of the rule of law and threats to the independence of the judiciary in Poland in an attractive way, including through video content. Lawyers, as well as, for example, artists, who understand how important it is for all of us that courts are free from party influence, appear in content produced by “Wolne Sądy”.
To date, the Wolne Sądy initiative has published about 1,000 pieces of content – videos, infographics, debates, live broadcasts, studio shows and podcasts. The #WolneSądy Facebook fanpage is followed by nearly 80,000 people.
“Wolne Sądy” is a grassroots initiative that is not affiliated with any political option. As they wrote about themselves, “we named the page ‘Wolne Sądy’ because this slogan should be on the lips of everyone who is not indifferent to values such as freedom, equality and democracy.” Lawyers involved in the “Wolne Sądy” initiative support Polish judges and prosecutors, engage in educational activities such as the Constitutional Week, and co-create coalitions dealing with the rule of law, such as the Komitet Obrony Sprawiedliwości [Justice Defence Committee].
You can read more about “Wolne Sądy” on their website.