Instytucje państwa prawa
są gwarantem wolności
jednostek i ochrony
ich podstawowych praw,
a także zabezpieczają
jednostki przed opresją

The institutions of the
rule of law guarantee
individual freedoms, protect our
fundamental rights, and
safeguard individuals from
the oppression of authority.

The institutions of the rule of law guarantee individual freedoms, protect our fundamental rights, and safeguard individuals from the oppression of authority.

Rule of Law

Democracy is the best known way of making decisions in a state, as long as it operates within the framework of the rule of law, which guarantees the freedom of individuals and the protection of their fundamental rights. Moreover, the rule of law protects individuals against arbitrariness and the oppression of power.

The rule of law creates stable rules of the game and ensures that democracy does not turn into a dictate of the majority, at the expense of violating the fundamental rights and liberties of individuals. In a state governed by the rule of law, the justice system should be independent from politicians, and courts and prosecutors should work efficiently and fairly. This is important both for the people of Poland and for those who do business in Poland. If Poland is to develop rapidly, the law should be predictable, stable and transparent.

The rule of law is essential to ensure a high level of economic freedom. That is why this is an important component of economic freedom indices and an indicator of institutional quality. We believe that the rule of law in Poland should not only be defended, but also strengthened.

Supported projects

Free Courts

The #WolneSądy [#FreeCourts] initiative defends the independence of the judiciary and promotes topics related to the rule of law in the society.

Civil Development

We support analytical and educational projects of the non-governmental think-tank, FOR Foundation.

We support