Grant system
The Economic Freedom Foundation invests in and empowers the most valuable initiatives for economic freedom. We search for projects that change reality in a liberal direction.
We support organizations that:
Share the values of the Economic Freedom Foundation.
Have a proven track record of promoting economic freedom and liberal thought.
Carry out activities that fit into at least one of the four focus areas of the foundation.
Implement projects that have the potential to change reality in a liberal direction.
Use other sources of funding and engage in fundraising from private sources so that support from the Economic Freedom Foundation does not finance the entire project budget.
By the end of October 2021, we will announce the 2022 grant competition along with a form to apply for support. The Economic Freedom Foundation team also continually searches and analyzes the most interesting initiatives supporting liberalism, looking for those worth strengthening.
At the moment we only support projects in Poland or related to Poland. For questions about the Economic Freedom Foundation grants, please email: granty@wolnagospodarka.pl
The Economic Freedom Foundation supports the creation of valuable content that reinforces liberal ideas in the public debate. You will find recommendations of interesting publications on the Foundation’s website, and as part of the Library of Liberty we are creating a unique book collection devoted to liberal thought. The Foundation also intends to publish books that were previously absent from the Polish market.
The Economic Freedom Foundation engages in educational projects. We want modern education that focuses on the competences of the future and responds to the real needs of the population. We are open for cooperation with students, scientists, universities and think-tanks.
Since 2021, PRESS GLASS, created by Arkadiusz Mus, President of the Economic Freedom Foundation, is a member of the Partners Club of the Warsaw School of Economics. The Foundation wants to be present at the best economic university in Poland and reach students and academics with a liberal message.
The Economic Freedom Foundation organizes panels, debates and events on the most important economic topics and liberal thought. Our representatives are active in traditional and social media. We appear at important conferences on the economy and freedom in Poland and abroad. See you at the Foundation’s upcoming events.