Poland’s economic success would not have been as remarkable without the European Union. In the past 20 years, Poland’s GDP per capita has increased from 50% of the EU average to 80%. A number of studies indicate that between 2004 and 2023, EU membership accounted for between one-third and half of Poland’s economic growth, depending on the methodology and data used. Furthermore, Deloitte calculates that Poland’s exports of goods and services to other EU nations support 5 million jobs.
– Over a 20-year period, Poland’s export value to other EU nations increased from 45 billion euros in 2004 to 262 billion euros in 2023, an almost six-fold increase. Furthermore, it was a time of extremely rapid development, particularly for some service industries like transportation, information and communication, or business services for businesses – Marek Tatala points out.
One of the focuses of the Economic Freedom Foundation’s work is to secure a strong position for Poland in the EU. One thing we can do to affect the composition and operations of the EU is to vote in elections. It is why a campaign about the advantages of being a member of the EU is being run on social media and through a variety of traditional channels to encourage people to vote. Additionally, the website presents economic data regarding the advantages of membership in the European Union.
– It highlights the key areas where EU membership has had a particularly noticeable impact. These include the modernization of public transportation and railroads, exports to EU nations, the construction of new roads in Poland, new jobs, economic growth, and scientific exchange through initiatives like the Erasmus program – Marek Tatala enumerates.
A prime example of that is the Single Market of the European Union. – It is the EU’s most valuable asset. 50% of Poland’s imports and approximately 75% of its exports of goods are connected to the Single Market. The openness of borders to the movement of capital, people, goods, and services is enabling the Polish economy to grow at a faster rate. The economic benefits of the EU Single Market are at least five times higher than the impact of EU subsidies, as demonstrated by the EFF’s report “Poland at Single Market – Benefits, Barriers, Reforms.” – says the EFF’s president.
– Union, Union! And what do we get thanks to this Union? – asks the main character of the EFF’s pro-turnout video during a barbecue, as in the iconic scene from the movie “Life of Brian” by the Monthy Python group. The other participants of the barbecue remind him of the long list of benefits. “Check out the facts about Poland in the EU and don’t let yourself be taken out of the Union. Vote on June 9th,” we hear in the end.
– We have surpassed a number of nations in terms of GDP per capita since entering the European Union. Not just the nations we joined the EU with, like Slovakia and Hungary, but also Greece and Portugal. We may soon overtake Spain. We can eventually catch up to other nations if we implement sound economic policies and fully utilize European integration – Tatala argues.
Participation in the European Parliament elections is simple. At you can find information on how to check the electoral commission where you are registered or change a voting location. The elections to the European Parliament in Poland will be held on June 9, 2024, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The list of candidates can be found on the website of the State Election Commission.
And what about the future? After the European Parliament elections, the EU needs economic reforms to become more competitive in the global economy. Greater deregulation and flexibility of regulations in the EU and member states, as well as reducing national barriers that still block the flow of goods and services in the Single Market, will be beneficial both for the economies of EU members and for the entire Union. A stronger, more competitive European economy and faster growth in the Union will weaken the arguments of opponents of European integration and populists who would like to withdraw Poland from the European Union.
For more information about the campaign (in Polish only) visit