Maria Muś

Board Chairman

Maria Muś is a professional helicopter pilot. She began her adventure with flying at the age of 16.

She graduated from the National Defence University. She holds a professional license as well as authoriuzations to conduct en-route instrument rating and flying in the mountains. She is also a helicopter instructor. She holds an American professional license. She has trained in the United States, Norway, Switzerland, England, Netherlands, Czech Republic, France and Austria. She loves aerodynamics. She participates in air shows and sport events. Outside of work she represents Poland as a member of the Helicopter National Team. She flies on 5 different types of helicopters and reached over 2500 flying hours.

Maria believes that success is mostly hard work and not talent. Good luck in life is important, but it needs assistance. When asked what it’s like to be a woman in many “men’s worlds,” she believes that everyone has to do the same work regardless of their gender. She admits that in professional life, you should not look at yourself as a woman or a man, but as an individual who has a goal or a task to accomplish.

She is also interested in horse riding, shooting and the automotive industry. She promotes a healthy and active lifestyle – she is a vegetarian and strongly believes in work-life balance.